WiRE is the only organisation offering support to business-women in rural areas. Sue Fry is the volunteer network leader for Worcestershire. Sue's contribution and enthusiasm for this work fits well with the ethos of MRE Unlocking Enterprise, and meets many new and established business women leaders who derive considerable support and affirmation from the WiRE network and meetings
Membership of the National network costs just £50 per year and can really benefit your business with networking support, skills sharing, trading within the group and shared knowledge and information. In Worcestershire you can join us on the first Tuesday of the month at The Berkeley from 10.00 - 12.00.
A further evening meeting arranged for the third Tuesday of the Month is due to be arranged at Spectrum Days in Droitwich WR9 8BB. Explore the news and events page for more information. Attending a session as a member costs on £5, and as a guest £10.
We developed an additional group called Worcestershire Artisans Collective which does not meet regularly, but supports women led businessess involved with the arts and crafts
The TOUCAN club has been set up sepecifically for women run enterprises and will help you breakthrough and get past all those sticky problems that face you in your business. See http://www.unlocking-enterprise.org.uk/content/toucan-club for further detals
If you choose to go on and join National WiRE, you will have additional opportunities as you can promote your business on the national website, and you can join other meetings around the country, e.g. Gloucestershire's meetings are held on the third Thursday, just down the road at the Gupshill Manor in Tewkesbury.
- See more at: http://www.unlocking-enterprise.org.uk/content/wire-0#sthash.bXaev63o.dpuf