Not sure how to tackle a business challenge?
Want to learn from the experience of other business women?
Let Toucan help!
MRE’s monthly Toucan Action Learning Club will help you solve problems and plan next steps!
In a session lasting two to three hours, each group member gets to raise a real issue they are facing and receive loads of advice from your peers AND an experienced business consultant. Included in the sessions is a 20 minute, thought provoking taster of businsiness know how. So far we have covered "defining the difference of what you do" and "how to find and keep more cutomers"
“I wasn’t sure what to expect but the group was small which gave us time to focus on all present. I found it really helpful for me to go revisit both my personal and business aims and objectives in a supportive environment. These then helped to inform and shape my next business goals.
I found Sue and Jill to be non-judgemental and supportive. They use their business experience and skills to carefully question and ensure people are taking their businesses in the right direction for success.
I am looking forward to the next session and feeding back on my efforts since the last meeting.” Janine Rusby
Join us at 10.00 a.m. on 10th July at The Berkeley Arms, Evesham Road, Spetchley, Worcester WR7 4QL. Advance booking is required.
Normal cost of sessions will be £40.00 per person but we’re offering a special launch price of £25.00 + VAT per person per session for the first twelve members.
CONTACT Sue on or Jill on to book or for further details